Join mental health influencer and advocate Anne Archer, who has worked at the heart of several global companies blending first-hand experience of senior roles with a pragmatic approach to performance improvement, wellbeing and engagement.
For the past decade, she has focussed on the delicate balance between our brain, body and context, helping enable people to thrive.
As a mental health advocate, she supports those in crisis, to find a way forward, builds capacity among those who are coping and enhances the ability to thrive, for those who are seeking high performance in life.
Watch the session and use the references below to find sections of most interest to you.
What is mental fitness and what influences it? (1.10 – 12.00)
Why talk mental fitness and not mental health? (12.13 – 17.10)
What’s resilience and where does responsibility lie? (17.10 – 25.00)
How can you break the stress cycle? (25.48 – 31.38)
What is self-regulation from this brain, body, context lens? (31.38 – 39)
How can we help leaders to make healthy shifts? (39 – 49.51)
Top tips (49.51- 53.33)
What could we change today that would make a big shift? (53.33 to end)
Enjoy it and if you want to start a conversation with me about any of these subjects the please get in contact.